Committees I chair & Legislation I sponsored
Ehardt’s chairmanships and assignments:
Chairs the Energy, Environment & Technology Committee – this was the first time in Idaho history where more women than men composed the committee, and it was chaired by me, a woman.
Broadband Advisory Board Committee member – 3 House, 3 Senate, 3 Governor are appointed
Co-Chair of Idaho’s Legislative Prayer Caucus – part of National Prayer Caucus. This is designed to uphold our religious freedoms through legislation, to teach about Constitutional rights and to pray.
House Education Committee member
Ehardt was the point person that brought in Glenn Beck and David Barton to meet with the Governor, the Speaker & Pro Tem, the leadership of both the House & Senate, as well as over 40 elected officials. This was all centered around educating on ESG scoring and the necessity of bringing legislation to combat the Globalist movement that will limit everyone’s societal participation if strict adherence isn’t followed. This is antithetical to our Constitution and our liberties.
Legislation Ehardt sponsored or co-sponsored:
S1027 Idaho Wrongful Conviction Act – House sponsor – passed 100% – provides for financial com-pensation to those who have been wrongfully convicted & was unjustly forced to spend time in prison.
S1309 – Idaho’s Heartbeat bill – Sponsored! & passed – protects the unborn by halting all abortions after a heartbeat is detected at 6-weeks.
HCR2 – sponsor – this reversed the state order & opened up the entire state, including for high school sports & activities. This led to the Governor opening the state back up, including for sports in 2021!
H737 & HCR 52 – ESG scoring – Sponsored! This would prevent financial institutions from using ESG social scoring to determine who has access to monies. This is un-constitutional, and I am committed to fighting this. I am the one who brought Glenn Beck in to address this.
H364 – Campus Free Speech – sponsor – college campuses can’t prevent speakers or create speech zones. Held up on a technicality on Senate 14th order; Dem John McCrostie sponsored this with me.
S1381 – Pause Act on mandates – co-sponsored – VETOED – would stop all mandates for 1-year & allow time to regroup, see landscape and then continue. I supported many pieces of legislation to halt mandates & honor individual rights as well as personal religious exemptions.
No tuition increases! I started this in the 2019-2020 session by exposing the fallacy with the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and pointing out the ridiculous costs of tuition, while including DEI.
Approved NEW set of content standards that rejects Common Core & returns to fundamental math principles as well as new English Language Arts standards that are easily understood and applied.
Key Education legislation & spending Ehardt supported:
H391, 392, 392 Emergency Declarations – passed – Constitutional rights cannot be infringed upon; Idaho Code can’t be altered / created during an emergency; declares all jobs essential.
H547 – Election Integrity – prevented ballot harvesting – Supported. Held in Senate State Affairs.
H666 to HR 23 – Harmful material in libraries – co-sponsored – we can’t tolerate pornography / sex acts directed at children; an interim committee w/Library Commission was created to address this.
S1262 – Gun rights – passed – upholds Idahoans’ rights to purchase ammunition, components and accessories during an emergency. Declares firearm-related commerce is an essential service.
H669 – Education Choice – this puts choice directly in parental control. Fund the child, not the system. This will be brought again during the 2023 session.
Newly funded dyslexia program that is expected to reach over 20% of our kids. Too many of our kids are missed-diagnosed early when reading issues and thus learning problems could be caught.
Advisory Curriculum Committees to the trustees are now required, half must include parents.
Allocated 11% increase to K-12 education funding.
Allocated $180 million for additional teacher health care coverage to match state employee benefits.
Allocated $104 million or 10% increase for teachers’ pay on the career ladder; 7% pay increase admin
Allocated $50 million for Empowering Parents grants to help cover costs for many families.
Over $1.2 billion provided in tax relief – the largest in Idaho history (S1359 & H436 & H1 co-sponsor)
Over $500 million provided for roads & bridges – to better move commerce & increase safety (H772)
Over $34 million provided in on-going property tax relief & circuit breaker increase to 150% for homes.
Over $500 million provided for roads & bridges – to better move commerce & increase safety (H772)
Over $34 million provided in on-going property tax relief & circuit breaker increase to 150% for homes.
I Voted for Protecting our GIRLS
Prior to HB466, Idaho did not have a minimum marriage age. This bill sets a minimum age at 16. It also states that at 16 & 17, parental consent is still required before marriage. At 18 years of age, as an adult, one can marry with their own consent.
A minimum marriage age bill was brought by Democrats during the 2019 session. However, that legislation was defeated because it took away parental rights. But rather than work with Republicans, Democrats created a false narrative insisting that Republicans wanted to marry young girls off to old men. Realizing the importance of getting this legislation correct, Rep Ehardt decided to bring her own marriage bill. HB466 came after extensive research on all 50 states and their policies. This bill almost passed unanimously (only 2 nays) receiving bipartisan support in both the House and Senate.
Governor Little said of this bill, “I signed it because it looked like good policy. Some of these things are incremental. There was a lot of debate about it last year, and this bill had broad support.”
I voted for Freedom of SPeech
HB139 protects authors, speakers and journalists in Idaho from being drugged into foreign courts over frivolous libel charges in jurisdictions that do not respect, value and protect freedom of speech and of the press as we do here in the United States. It will provide protection from the practice of “Libel Tourism,” in which plaintiffs choose to file lawsuits in jurisdictions which do not provide the same protections of free speech as the US Constitution.
I voted for research & clean energy
Idaho National Laboratories
The purpose of this resolution is to recognize nuclear energy as a carbon free contributor to the nation’s energy supply. Additionally, the resolution recognizes the important research taking place at Idaho National Laboratory in nuclear energy, clean energy technologies, and national and homeland security as a valuable asset to the state of Idaho and the world.
i voted for idaho resources
The purpose of this resolution is to recognize that Idaho has a tremendous resource in its many rivers, lakes and dams. These greatly contribute to the power produced in Idaho. The purpose of this resolution is to recognize that Idaho’s power is clean, reliable and renewable and is key to our energy portfolio moving forward.
i voted for Parent's rights & children's innocence
Sex Education
H120 allows parents the ability to “opt in” their children to classes where their children will view sexually related materials. It also clarifies that all sexually related materials must be made available to parents to review and that all guest speakers or instructors must also comply with the provisions of sections 33-1608, Idaho Code. This legislation is about consent, not content. A parent has a right to know and approve that which their child will learn.
Why I sponsored this Bill?
i voted for less regulations
Administrative Rules
H100 was legislation that opened the door for Governor Little to roll back massive regulations that was holding Idaho back. Because of this, President Trump invited Governor Little to the White House where he was able to share the fact that Idaho is now the least regulated state in the nation.
Why I sponsored this Bill?
I supported this legislation and worked directly with Majority Leader Mike Moyle on this bill. I was one of the main voices behind this bill and began working on this immediately after my first 2018 session. The House remained strong in our support of this. The House, the Senate and our Governor benefited as 75% of Idaho’s rules were eliminated or simplified making Idaho the least regulated state in the nation.